Why, only just the other day….

iPad Pro

There’s a back catalog of hundreds of drawings, paintings and prints that belong to the body of work produced; along with photographic media, over the years that encompass my creative practice. For whatever reason now seems to be as good a time as any to start to include them here.

The Impulse to Draw @ Adobe Slate

Having been involved in the beta of Adobe Luca, it was a no brainer that when Adobe released ‘Slate’ on the App Store that I should dive into this with renewed enthusiasm. ‘Slate’ is a significant improvement on the beta and in hindsight I found that my earlier publications needed revisiting and that’s still ahead.

The latest iteration of SLATE brings ‘Glideshow’, a new feature that facilitates image dissolves with text gliding over the top. Kinda nice. Haven’t used it yet but here is something of a recent offering. Life at art school and beyond.